Church has Changed
Church as we know it may be changed forever. Remember when we sat in the pews of a church, wearing our best clothes. Girls with shiny patent leather shoes and boys with a bow tie or neck tie that looked uncomfortable but quite dressy. Those were the days.
Today church may be in a warehouse structure or any other building where people dress casual, even wearing jeans. Some people attend church online and call it 'going to church'! What's that about? The children of baby-boomers do church very different from their parents. It's not about wanting to steer clear of God. This generation is quite Spiritual. For this generation, the church is moving away from the building to a more relaxed relationship with God. Kind of like grandchildren relate to their grandparents. Sometimes I cannot believe how my Dad relates to my grandson. I keep thinking, this cannot be the same Daddy I grew up with! I hear the same thing from my daughter as she witnesses how I gently love on my grandson.
As I was saying, this generation has a more relaxed relationship with God than previous generations. They do not relate to God out of fear. That's not all bad. This generation values their relationship with God and they are not afraid. They have been prepared to be warriors. That warring spirit is evident in their praise. That's a good thing--