Christian Interdenominational United Church (CIUC)

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A Gift to Share

“No servant can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or else he will be loyal to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and mammon.” Matthew 6:24


In Matthew 6:24, God is telling us money can become the master/ruler of our lives. When money begins to rule, it demands our loyalty. I mean, money will not allow you to make God or family and friends priority in your life. When money is the ruler/priority in your life – everything else falls in line after the means to make money, the time required to make money, and the feeling of security that money brings. I am not saying money is your enemy. I am saying money takes on the power you assign to it.


As I was out today I noticed the way traffic around the mall is increasing more and more – the closer we get to Christmas. Lots of people are frustrated because money is not as plentiful as they would like. At the same time, others are loaded with money but they will not be merry at Christmas; neither will they be happy for the New Year.

The truth is – happiness and peace is an inside job. You and I will not be happy because we have an abundance of money. Sometimes we look for money to do what only God can do. I encourage you to get your mind off of money, whether you have a lot or a little. Enjoy your family and friends, spend time in meditation and prayer... watch the change in your attitude and your life. Take money off of the throne and live – you are a gift to share!

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