Christian Interdenominational United Church (CIUC)

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What is your dream?

When you were born, God had a significant dream tucked inside of you! Before you turned four years old you had a good idea what that dream was.  The trials of life sometimes snuff out the dreams that were once so real we could touch them. In Genesis chapter 40, Joseph accurately interprets the dreams of the butler and the baker who were in prison with him. This was not the first time Joseph interpreted a dream. You may recall in chapter 37 of Genesis, when Joseph was a young boy – God gave him the interpretation for his own dreams. Joseph saw his brothers bowing down to him. Even though he did not fully understand at the time – that interpretation was accurate as well.

Many preachers have told the story of Joseph’s life with eloquence and inspiration. As I read about Joseph in Genesis 40 today, it occurs to me that Joseph would never have interpreted the dreams of the butler and the baker with accuracy if he had not let them know he had a gift. What I’m saying is we need to make contact with other people in order for our dreams to become reality. When we believe in the dream God gave us enough to step out on faith – that means we believe God will perform a miracle in our lives.

For all of us dreamers, God is still performing miracles.  Your life was designed with a miracle in mind!  If you are still here, there is a dream in you too!!

Get to work and start believing for your miracle.

                                All things are possible if you can believe Mark 9:23

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