
“ Be Blessed! “
— Prophet Alfreda
God loves you

God loves you

The first time we see Jesus in the Bible – he demonstrates his love for his Father. He loved his Father so much that he agreed to leave his throne in Heaven to come to earth as a man to offer his life for humanity. Shortly thereafter, we see Jesus healing the sick and raising the dead. He spent his whole life on earth helping hurting people. God is doing the same thing today – he is still helping hurting people. No problem is too small and no problem is too big. God helps us deal with whatever problems we have in our lives.

Many people have been deeply wounded in the church, so they decided never to visit church again. Remember, church is not God. The church is a body of people – God is the essence of love!

About twenty years ago, I stopped taking other people’s word about God and decided to know him for myself. I found God to be more loving and kind than anyone could ever describe. Along my journey, I have learned that ‘God loves all people’. He loves all of his children as any good father would.  That doesn’t mean he will accept anything from us – but it does mean God loves me and you more than we could ever imagine.

                And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.   Genesis 2:7



A Different Response

A Different Response

Whatever God promised is already yours

Whatever God promised is already yours