Love One Another
Most people want to live meaningful lives. Nobody wants to just go through the motions day after day like a robot -- without meaning or influence. We want to know there is purpose for what we do. We want to know why we are here and how we should spend our time. The Purpose Driven Life was a huge success because it attempted to answer the question –“Why am I here?”
We can examine our family relationships for clues about what God wants us to do with our time here on earth. The Bible says we are to love one another.(John 13:34-35) The family was designed to develop our foundation for loving others.
Over the years I have noticed something about parents -- they love their children and work hard to raise them. I have seen parents use everything they have to provide for their offspring. When the children grow up and live prosperous, happy lives of their own – Moms and Dads know they have done their job well.
When you wake up each morning, remember the commandment of Jesus for us to love one another. That commandment is not just for immediate family. Consider others as you go about your day. Love one another – it is important enough to be a commandment for life. The next time you are rude or spiteful towards someone – remember “Everybody is somebody’s child.” Remember to love one another. Don’t be surprised when someone shows love towards you.
Have a loving heart!