Christian Interdenominational United Church (CIUC)

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Your Promise

It is interesting to note that God promised Abraham and Sarah they would be the father and mother of many nations. Yet, Sarah was barren. Their son, Isaac, married Rebekkah… and Rebekkah was barren! When I say barren – I mean they could not have children – based on natural circumstances.

Understand that whatever you are destined to do, whatever God has called you to do; don’t be surprised when you look around at your natural situation and see just the opposite of what God has promised.

When you are destined to be rich…you might look around and see that you are struggling to make ends meet, that you only have a regular job and only regular means and nothing in your natural circumstances indicate that you are destined for prosperity or that you are headed to a wealthy place; financial independence, or millionaire status.

When God has promised you a healthy life... you can probably look around and see that something is physically wrong and oftentimes it is something the medical community will agree you will have for life.

Then, when God has promised that you will be married and have a fruitful marriage, a good marriage, a healthy marriage. You might find yourself single past the time when most people are married. You may find yourself still single, when most people your age have settled into a good relationship.

I want to encourage you not to give up. I encourage you to believe God. The Word says ‘whose report will you believe?’ Because whatever it is that God promised you, that’s what you will have, if you press in to the promise. If you believe God; if you keep the faith; if you hold up the Word of God that agrees with and supports the promise God has given to you – you will live that promise.

I won’t tell you that it will be easy because it won’t. If it were easy . . . everybody would easily live the promise of God. If it did not take any effort, the majority of people would live the promise of God. If success came easy, successful people would not carry such notoriety. Nobody would be interested in the lives of successful people -- if success was a common and everyday thing. What I am saying is: You can live the promise but it is not going to be cheap and it is not going to be easy. It is going to cost you something. But what it’s going to cost you – God has already provided for you.

If you will just nurture it; live with it, and grow with it; you will live God’s promise. God has provided you with his Word of promise. You will find support for that promise – whatever it is – in the Word of God, in the Bible. God has invested in all of us a measure of faith. If you would nurture that faith and support the promise with the word of God, as you keep the promise in front of you, you will live God’s promise.

Do not forget what God promised. Every day think about the promise, speak the promise, and talk about it. You will live out that promise. In Jesus name God bless you!

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Your Promise