How to live a better life
John 10:10 says, "Jesus came that you might have life and have it more abundantly." What a beautiful promise from God to mankind. Most of us have heard scripture, words of encouragement, and information to improve our lives. Sometimes, what you hear is not capsulized in a way that can be easily memorized and internalized.
My hope is for each one of us to live better and better day after day. Feel free to use the following ideas to move into your better life!
Ask yourself, What was life like before you began to trust Jesus?
How did you spend your time?
Think about how you felt and what you thought about.
Overall, how did you feel about your life?
What would you consider to be a more abundant life?
Talk about your vision in prayer
Think about your vision each day
Let your actions agree wth your prayers -- do something!!
Expect your vision to become reality
imagine you already live the life you are thinking about
Ask God to bless you as you agree with his word of promise
No good thing will God withhold from them that walk uprightly. Psalm 84:11
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How to live a better life