Christian Interdenominational United Church (CIUC)

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Jacob Fought for His Blessing . . . Do You Fight for Your Blessing?

Genesis 32:1-24

Over twenty years after Jacob ran away from home to escape the vengeance of his twin brother, Esau; Jacob decided to return to his hometown. By this time Jacob had accumulated servants, shepherds and a large number of livestock. Aside from his workers, Jacob had also been blessed with two wives, two concubines, and 11 children. They all traveled back to Canaan together.

Near the end of the journey, Jacob sent all of his family and workers ahead of him (Gen. 32:23-24). Perhaps Jacob wanted to spend time alone with God because he was afraid. During this alone time, Jacob wrestled with a man who we now understand to be angelic. Jacob fought relentlessly and he left this encounter with a blessing and a limp. (v25,v29) Jacob refused to let go until he received a blessing!

In our lives we may not physically fight with an angel but we will fight. In order to receive certain blessings . . . we must fight and win over the obstacles of life. We must move past the disappointments of life. We must move past the difficulties of life. We must move past the uncertainties of life. We must not give up until we receive the blessing we seek!! Like Jacob, we will experience some pain in the process. The blessing of living God’s promise is worth any pain we encounter.

Don’t give up -- fight for the blessing!

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Fight for the blessing