
“ Be Blessed! “
— Prophet Alfreda
Are you searching for Jesus?

Are you searching for Jesus?

In the book of John, chapter 20, Mary Magdalene notifies some of the disciples that Jesus is no longer in the tomb! John and Peter run to see if she was telling the truth. When they arrive at the place where Jesus was buried — sure enough, Jesus was not there. Eventually, the disciples went away. Yet, Mary Magdalene hung around. Her patience was rewarded when she saw two angels in the place where the body of Jesus had been! Soon after, she saw Jesus himself!

When I think about this verse of scripture, I see how the disciples and Mary Magdalene earnestly looked for Jesus. Like so many of us when we are looking for something or someone, some people give up quickly as Peter and John did. Few people keep looking until they find who or what they were looking to find.

I pray to be one who does not give up quickly. I want to look, look , and keep looking until I find Jesus! When I rise in the morning I want to search for Jesus in prayer. Mid-day, I want to search for Jesus in prayer. Before bedtime, I want to search for Jesus in prayer. Only when you find Jesus will your life be complete!          

                                                                        6 Seek the Lord while He may be found,Call upon Him while He is near.

                                                                                                                        Isaiah 55:6 


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A far sighted view

A far sighted view