Will you be the one?
Mark 5:25-34
As Jesus was on his way to heal Jairus’s daughter – the woman with an issue of blood received her healing! She did not stop Jesus and ask for a conversation or healing. She simply reached out and touched the hem of his garment! Many people were touching Jesus when this woman received her healing. They may have wanted to be seen with Jesus or be able to say they touched Jesus. Evidently, their intentions were vain or did not meet the requirement of faith – a primary ingredient for miracles.
We see the woman confess when Jesus demands to know who touched him. What a marvelous thing! I am sure there were many people in need as the crowd surrounded Jesus that day. Only one of them received a miracle. Let’s review her story: This woman had a bleeding disorder for 12 years.(v25) She went to the doctor many times looking for help. The doctors in their practice of medicine offered solutions but no healing. This woman grew sicker as time passed by. (v26) She decided Jesus was the solution she needed. She believed if she could just make contact with Jesus – she would be healed.(v28) Sure enough – as soon as she touched Jesus’ clothes – the bleeding stopped! (v29)
It is exciting to know God is as real today as he was in the Bible. Whenever we move toward Jesus our lives begin to change. Our world needs Jesus today as never before. We have made great progress as a world society – yet we still need God. He will embrace us in sickness, pain, & misfortune and lead us to wholeness. Sometimes the change is immediate. Sometimes the change in our condition takes time. The woman with an issue of blood was one person who believed God for his miracle working power. Will you be one of the people who truly believe God? There are many who say they believe.
Be blessed