Throughout the Bible you read about people and what they did for a living. Gen 4:20-22 gives a sampling of jobs people did in the early years after creation. Some people were shepherds, some were musicians, and some of the people were blacksmiths. Each job contributed to a more enjoyable life for the community. It is interesting to know work was given to each family based on their gifts.
I’m sure Jabal, Jubal, and Tubal-Cain (Genesis 4:20-22) had gifts to do other things. Yet they chose one certain profession. Jabal and his family were shepherds. Jubal and his family were musicians. Tubal-Cain and his family were blacksmiths.
By choosing to focus on developing skills in one profession they made a greater impact than they would have made if they had tried to focus on becoming skilled in several areas at the same time.
Be encouraged to start today! Focus on your chosen skill set and become the professional God has in mind for you!!
Be blessed