
“ Be Blessed! “
— Prophet Alfreda
When Life Goes On

When Life Goes On

When death occurs – it is a major  thing in our lives. When someone passes – we never forget it. The death of people and things have a lot in common. Think about the last place you lost hope. Can you remember where you were or what you were doing? Or think about the last place you lost joy –where were you? What were you doing? Our topic for today is ‘When life goes on!’ 

Even when the most devastating situations occur in our lives – we tend to revisit those thoughts and places. Why would we ever want to go back to a place of death & devastation? Could it be – we are trying to find the thing that was lost? Maybe we are looking to reconnect with the person who died or recover the joy we lost. That may be why people rekindle marriages that fell apart years ago or why abused people return to their abuser.

The children of Israel wanted to go back to Egypt even though they were slaves in Egypt! Think about that! When we lose our identity, it is a death of the worst kind. So the children of Israel wanted to go back – where life was hard. Perhaps, they were hoping to find the identity they lost. Without being fully aware of why they wanted to go back – they were looking for their identity. They were no longer slaves and had not learned how to be free. They were looking for the valued thing they lost – their identity.

Just know that we will never find the valuable thing in a place or situation that no longer exists. In order to find valuable things – we must go to the place where life and value originates.

We must go to God!  We must go to God!! When you lost value for life and living  – it went back to God. For all good things come from God – in order to receive the good things again – we must go to God!!!

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A Gift Within

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