A Gift Within
In previous postings, I have referred to each person as a gift. Some days we don’t feel like we are a gift – but it’s true. The totality of who you are; the totality of who I am is a gift to others. When we consider our gifting – think about the talent or natural ability born within us. People spend a lifetime trying to find their gifts – whatever comes easy to them. As parents we may recognize natural abilities in our children well before they recognize them.
When Mary received a visitation from Gabriel – letting her know she was chosen to birth Baby Jesus into the world, I am sure she was excited. Yet, Mary only told one person(her cousin Elizabeth) about the marvelous gift she received. Mary did not question the angel or the opportunity. She was excited about the blessing of carrying a child of the Holy one.
We can learn something from Mary. Mary did not question her gifting. She was pleased to comply with the Lord’s announcement. Notice Mary did not run all over town telling people about her blessing. She did not even tell Joseph until she was forced to disclose the truth – and she was engaged to him!!! Mary waited until an appropriate time to share her news.
All of us have a gift on the inside. Resist temptation to ask, “Who am I to carry the gift of God?” Instead, ask the Lord, “How do you want me to carry this gift?” We might also ask, “When do you want me to show my gifting to others?” Pray and ask God how he wants you to handle your gifting. Every time is not the right time to share the gift of God that is hidden on the inside of you.
Have a blessed holy day season!!