
“ Be Blessed! “
— Prophet Alfreda
When Lord When?

When Lord When?

When I made a decision to establish a relationship with God – I started going to church every Sunday. There may be other ways to start but that was my way of showing sincerity. My sister often spoke about how she could hear from the Lord. At that time – I did not hear anything and I wondered why. Later, I understood why I wasn’t hearing from God. It had only been a few months since I made a decision to go to church. I believe God was waiting on me to show my faithfulness in one area before moving me along. After I had spent some time in the church and in the Word – I began to hear clearly. 

In the book of Genesis chapter 11, the people got together to build a tower to Heaven. It still amazes me how often we are not satisfied with what God gives to us. We want more and more. In this case, it was not enough for the people to have a nice place to live and be in relationship with God.  They wanted to see what Heaven was like before it was time.  Maybe God would have given them a vision of Heaven if they had shown themselves faithful to what He called them to do.

The next time you get anxious about where you are –  in relationship to where you want to be – check to see if you have been faithful in what you already know to do.  You may be surprised to find how quickly you can move to the next step of your journey after you have completed the step you are on.

                                                              Your faith is important!!

Love for a child

Love for a child