In The Revelation 9:20-21 the people refuse to repent in the midst of their sin. Lack of repentance has consequences. Last week the topic of discussion was ‘Apologize’. While it is important to apologize to people we have offended; apologizing is also extremely beneficial to the one giving the apology. An apology frees us to move past a difficult situation. When we apologize, there is no need to come up with other ways to make up for bad behavior.
However, when we need to apologize/repent to God, we often respond like the people in The Revelation 9:20-21 and shy away from prayer. At the time we need God most – we begin to avoid the most valuable form of communication with God. What are you trying to avoid? It’s not like God is waiting for you to tell Him what you did wrong. He already knows.
Don’t waste any more time – repent today and get back into close communication with God. Your abundant life depends on it!!
Peace and Blessings