
“ Be Blessed! “
— Prophet Alfreda
What Will You Do with Your Retirement Years?

What Will You Do with Your Retirement Years?

Many Americans are looking forward to retirement. Retirement is pictured as a time of leisure – doing only what they want to do. People plan to travel the world, enjoy grandchildren, or indulge themselves in a life-long passion. Whatever the case, full retirement is hard to find in the Bible. Every Bible figure is fully involved in life.

Moses did not start to lead Israel until he was in his eighties and Abraham did not receive the promised child until he was 100. So, God’s idea for retirement may be quite different from our goal. It would be a good time to seek the Lord as we consider how we will spend the retirement years. Maybe, just maybe, the Lord of the harvest has something more He wants you to do. That assignment might just leave more of a mark on the world than anything you have done thus far.    

                                                                                           Live life to the full. . . 




Don't be shy

Don't be shy