Can You Recognize Success?
It amazes me when I see people operate in their gift. It could be a public speaker, a musician, a graphic artist, a dancer, or any other gift people possess. When someone is operating in their gift – it looks so easy! The truth is most people had to put in many years of hard work and face lots of discouragement before they landed in a place to successfully operate in their gift and make a living by it. It is true --success does not look like success when God first puts it in your hands. It often looks like:
· an impossibility
· a struggle
· chaos
· piece parts that don’t make a whole
· confusion
· a small thing
· an unimpressive thing
· something needing a miracle
You may wonder, ‘Why did God give this to me?’ If you begin to work with what you have been given . . . over time, the miracle appears. Over time, you will begin to operate in your gift with ease.
When your dream begins to take form you can know God trusted you to bring his dream to life! For it is God who lives in you, giving you thoughts and ideas to make your life worthwhile; enhancing the lives of others!
Do not despise small beginnings . . .Zachariah 4:10