
“ Be Blessed! “
— Prophet Alfreda


As parents, we know raising a child to be physically, spiritually, and emotionally strong is often in conflict with what the child wants to do. In raising our children we find that what is required can be painful. When we take children to the doctor—the required shots are painful but for their good. I always wondered why my parents didn’t let me eat all the candy I wanted. It wasn’t until I was well grown that I understood how too much candy could be detrimental to my health. 

I know God to be a good parent to all of humanity. Even though we believe we are free agents...charting our own course in life; there are consequences when we go outside of the guidelines laid in place by God! 

God’s desire is for us to be concerned about one another. Unless we read and learn the word of God—we will never know what God wants from us,in order to bless us beyond our wildest dreams. Like children we learn daily how obedience is the key to receiving great rewards!
II Timothy 4:3-5
Psalm 12:8

Your god nature

Your god nature

The womb is designed for birth

The womb is designed for birth