Obedience is better than sacrifice
I Samuel 15:22
When God gives instruction to destroy something and we decide to keep it…that is stark disobedience. Today is different from the Old Testament times. God does not call us to kill other people but he may call us to get rid of bad habits, avoid bad company or separate ourselves unto God. In the book of Samuel we see the king of Israel disobeying God several times. His disobedience never turns out well for him. One of King Saul’s inner challenges was self-pride vs. obedience.
We are taught by Samuel the prophet, “obedience is better than sacrifice”. While that may be a bit confusing. A lesson to take from this phrase can be summed up as follows:
Do what the Lord asks of you. There is no way to compensate for disobedience. There is no way to know what God will do with your obedience. Your obedience is on one side and God’s supernatural power is on the other side of obedience. God can give you all he ever promised you in response to your acts of obedience!
Be blessed