When we think of our ancestors, we often limit our thinking to five generations before us. Usually that is far enough to reveal the country of origin, race, and socio economic status of family who came before us. Let me challenge your thought process for just a moment. What if God looks far beyond our five generations back . . . to a time we cannot possibly trace? In Genesis 9, Noah and his sons embark upon one of the greatest assignments in life. God asks them to be fruitful and multiply the human population over all the earth. What a major responsibility!
Shem, Ham, and Japheth met great success in re-populating the earth as God directed. We know they were successful because you and I are living today!
Even when we disagree with other people and feel no connection with them . . . we are all blood relatives. In God’s view, we are all his children, with a birthright to bear. . . love one another. Even though we cannot see our connection to others, God knows the bloodline and our connection is clear. We are all members of the same family – distant cousins, if you will. Remember our mandate from God and “love one another”.
Genesis 9:18
John 13:34