CIUC is an online ministry for God’s children. We have numerous resources in support of home church ministeries, Bible studies, and small churches. We hope to assist you in seeking God’s heart for your everyday life.
In Luke 10:30 Jesus gives an account of a man traveling from Jerusalem to Jericho. While traveling, the man was brutally robbed, beaten, and left for dead on the side of the road. Many people often share the story of the Good Samaritan – we will take a look at the road from Jerusalem to Jericho.
The road from Jerusalem to Jericho takes you from a holy place to a political place. Jerusalem was a place where God resided . . . while Jericho was a place where politicians of the day made their own way.
Consider the fact that humanity often moves from a place of God to a degenerate place where humans want to be god over others. That was the case when God gave Israel their first king – King Saul.
When earthly kings try to rule without Godly principles – they are bound to run into trouble!