Your link to God
When you accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior – there are benefits to come from your relationship with God. We may not always receive what we want but we always have a place of refuge and a place to receive help. Our lives today are similar to the lives of believers thousands of years ago.
Even though we have been taught to pray daily – we often choose another, less effective route. When we are hurt or frustrated we lean towards calling a friend or family member. Then, we begin to determine how we can handle a situation ourselves. We turn to God in prayer after we have run out of options.
Amos 4:6-11 lists some hardships the people of Israel endured – still they did not consult God. They went without food, experienced a drought without enough water to drink, and lost crop because of a lack of water. Even when others around them did not experience these same problems – the people of God did not pray. Israel experienced even more devastating losses when their young men were killed and the pain of loss made them physically sick – yet they refused to link up with God in prayer.
Beloved, God is disappointed when we do not seek his help in difficult situations. Relief from pain and answers to our problems and difficult situations are found in God. Be encouraged to call on the Lord, spend time with the Lord and lean on God in times of trouble. He is our rock in a weary land and a present help in times of trouble.
Be blessed