CIUC is an online ministry for God’s children. We have numerous resources in support of home church ministeries, Bible studies, and small churches. We hope to assist you in seeking God’s heart for your everyday life.
When Jesus was born—King Herod was willing to kill all of the Hebrew baby boys to be sure he killed baby Jesus. It seems strange for a grown man to fear a little baby. King Herod erroneously thought Jesus would become an earthly king . . . usurping power from King Herod and his family. Herod operated out of fear rather than love.(Matt 2:13-17)
When we operate out of fear rather than love. . . we are in opposition to God. God is love. When we operate in love — the windows of Heaven are opened to bless us. When we operate out of fear we enter into a losing battle because God himself is against us.
When Joseph and Mary moved to protect their newborn child -- God was in the midst of them -- giving direction and instruction about how to move to protect their child and God's legacy. When we move in love and obedience to God -- we are trusting God to protect us. God always wins!!