
“ Be Blessed! “
— Prophet Alfreda
Take God at His Word

Take God at His Word

II Kings 19:10-20 gives an account of the King of Assyria taunting King Hezekiah with threats. Unlike the King of Assyria, King Hezekiah was a praying man! When King Hezekiah prayed to God, God gave him assurance there was no need to worry about the threats from the king of Assyria.

As it was, the Assyrian King was destined for demise. . . not particularly because of his threats to King Hezekiah but because he had cursed the living God.

What many people do not understand is that true believers/servants of the most high operate under the protection of the Holy One. There is a major difference between those who say they serve God and the people who actually operate according to the principles of God.

When the Psalmist says, "thy rod and thy staff they comfort me"; understand those words to mean God disciplines his people and wards off their enemies for His namesake. At the same time God provides helpers to cause His will to come to pass in the lives of believers.

Like King Hezekiah, believers sometimes find themselves in situations where they may be uncertain about what to do. Our best resource is prayer. When God has given the answer -- do not allow anyone or anything to dissuade/change your understanding or belief. God will do what He said.

Thank you Lord for your protection!!

Take God at his word
God is love

God is love

God has not left you

God has not left you