As I was thinking about the most recent developments I decided to ask God, “what’s going on? The response I heard was short and to the point. The Lord said “I need to do some cleansing. The weather is a reflection of what is being done in the Spirit.” In our local weather we have had dreary, rainy days for the last 3-4 weeks. That type of weather is very unusual for this area.
After hearing two online sermons today, I asked the Lord, “exactly what do you want us to do during this time?” A quick response came forth, “Love one another.” While it sounds unusual to be instructed to love one another as we are socially distancing ourselves from one another, it is often God’s way to tell us to do something that goes against popular opinion.
When the Lord says “Love one another”, he is not saying make physical contact with others. God is saying, “have a change of heart”. If you have hatred in your heart – let it go. God is saying love the people close to you. Love the people in your household. Love your children. Love your parents. Love your family. When we begin to allow the love of God to flow through us, the love of God will not stop with our kin, the love of God will flow through all the earth. As Christians, we are the key.
Will you pray with me?
Eternal Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth!
Happy are all who take refuge in you
We are mindful of your mercy, O Lord, and of your steadfast love,
your mercy and steadfast love have been with us for all generations
Your word says,Many are the afflictions of the righteous but the Lord delivers us from them all,
Lord, protect our physical bodies as only you can
Guard our minds and give us right thoughts
Father, we will not forget to give you the glory and honor due to your righteous name
We thank you for delivering us to safety
In the majestic name of Jesus we pray
Hallelujah and Amen!