
“ Be Blessed! “
— Prophet Alfreda

Are you thankful?

Luke 17:12-19 shares the account of 10 people who had a contagious disease.  By the time they encountered Jesus — they had been ostracized from society. As they stood afar off, they asked Jesus to heal them.
Instead of healing them on the spot, the way people like to be healed; Jesus gave an instruction for them to go to the priests. The lepers were healed as they went.

I would like to ask you a few questions.
1. Are you headed anywhere?
2. Do you need anything from God?
3. When God blesses you tell God thank you?

It surprises me to know only 1 person returned to thank God for their healing! Do you thank God when he answers your prayers?

Be blessed

What Should We Do?

The Grocery Store and Prayer

The Grocery Store and Prayer