
“ Be Blessed! “
— Prophet Alfreda
The 10 Commandments for Life

The 10 Commandments for Life

Last week we took a look at the command to love one another, given to us by Jesus. This was a new commandment. So what about the original 10 commandments? They are still excellent rules to live by if we want to include God in our lives. Remember when the 10 Commandments were once displayed in our government offices and court houses? Remember when we studied the 10 Commandments in Sunday School? Remember when we wanted to live under the guidelines of the 10 Commandments?

Today, let’s review and consider the first two commandments. Over the next few weeks we will review all of them.

1.  Thou shalt have no other gods before me

·     God is telling us He is the only true and living God

·        We are to reverence and obey him

·        We are not to make anything in our lives more important than our relationship with the true and living God

2.   Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth.

·        God is telling us not to worship things (i.e. money, houses, cars, relationships with other people)

·        When we worship any thing or person other than God, it is idol worship

·        This commandment means we are not to worship angels (in heaven) or the devil (beneath the earth)

Doesn’t seem too hard, does it? God is only asking us to keep him in first place in our lives. He does not ask us to do anything unreasonable. Even if it is considered unreasonable by some, God is God. Can the created one instruct the Creator?

Our job is to cooperate with God. We are never in a position to rewrite His rules. The sooner we realize and accept the truth of the Word of God, the sooner we can move on with our lives under a blessing rather than living under a curse.

Be blessed

Exodus 20

The Commandments of God - 3 & 4

The Commandments of God - 3 & 4

The Love Principle

The Love Principle