The Commandments of God - 3 & 4
The Commandments of God - 3 & 4
Last week we began to look at the 10 Commandments given by God to Moses. These commandments are a foundation to manage our lives in relationship to God and with other people. The first 4 commandments bring order to how we are to live unto God. The next 6 commandments are guides for our relationships with other people. Today we will look at the main focal point for Commandments 3 & 4. As we go over these 10 Commandments, remember we honor God when we honor his instructions.
3. Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain
· When we use the name of the Lord in vain, we are being selfish and using God’s name to satisfy ourselves or for personal advantage (vanity).
· We should reverence the very name of God. Some people use the name of God to substitute for curse/vulgar words they were accustomed to saying. Instead, we should ask God to broaden our vocabulary; then we will have adequate words to express ourselves. As a result, we would have no need to misuse the name of God.
4. Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy
· Sabbath means seven; Holy means to keep clean for God to use. We are to dedicate the seventh day to focus on God in meditation, prayer, & devotion.
· God in his infinite wisdom knows we need to connect with him at least every 7 days to renew our bodies, minds, and spirits. When we spend time with God we become renewed.
· In our society, observance of the Sabbath Day became a ritual church attendance. God wants to be more personally involved with you.
I pray for us all to be blessed as we line up with God’s will
Be Blessed
Exodus 20