
“ Be Blessed! “
— Prophet Alfreda
Tap into your greatness

Tap into your greatness

Over 2000 years ago shepherds were notified by the angels that our Savior was born. The angels gave instruction on where they would find Jesus. Jesus’ life would eventually make a difference in the lives of people all over the world. He is still making a difference in our lives today. Jesus was a gift to the entire world. Jesus is still a gift to entire the world!

Since we are all made in the image of God, each one of us is a gift to the world. When you were born a gift was born in you. So don’t allow anyone to tell you your life is not important or that you do not matter. Regardless to how you came into the world & no matter who your parents may be – you have the opportunity to bless other people and the opportunity for your life to be blessed.

While the shepherds sought to find Jesus in a physical location -- today, we all have the opportunity to spiritually bond with God by accepting Jesus as our Lord and Savior. The shepherds went at a particular time to see the New Born King. We now have the luxury of contacting God at any time! Not a day goes by when he is not available to us. No appointment is needed. He is never too busy to hear you call. The best way to tap into your greatness is for you to contact the Lord. The choice is yours – tap into your greatness. You may be surprised with the results!

Your value is beyond measure!!

Luke 2:8

Psalm 139:14

Tap into your greatness
The question, "Where is your faith?"

The question, "Where is your faith?"

Deliver us from evil

Deliver us from evil