
“ Be Blessed! “
— Prophet Alfreda
Your Truth

Your Truth

John 18

In John chapter 18 events occurred which led to the crucifixion of our Lord & Savior Jesus Christ. Even though Jesus knew he was approaching death – he was still leaving a pattern for us to follow. Everything about Jesus spoke to his truth. Jesus was not in denial about who he was or what to expect in his lifetime. When the mob came to arrest Jesus they could not stand against the word. They fell to the ground because Jesus was the word made flesh. The power of the word is made clear throughout scripture and through our lives. (John 1:1-2,1:14,John 18:4-6)

When Peter denied Jesus – Peter confirmed Jesus’ word as spoken to the disciples. (Matt 26:31-34, John 18:17,25,27)

When Jesus surrendered to the mob – he was confirming his word. Jesus told his disciples he would suffer and be killed, then rise from the dead. (Matt 16:21-23) (John 18:11-12)

In my lifetime there has been a major change in Christian culture. We have opportunity to speak the word each day – yet we yield to the temptation of fitting in with the world. Instead of confirming our position in this world and speaking forth what we want to see in order to receive the blessings of God – oftentimes we just run off at the mouth. Christians use the language of the world and then wonder why our lives are not changed. Following are some questions we can ask ourselves as we choose to change our words to agree with God:

  •  Do you speak the power of the Word when you open your mouth? Do you stand against the enemy?

  • Do you listen for discernment of the Holy Spirit? Do you know what God has to say about your situation and the people in your life?

  • Do you surrender to the will of God for your life? (First you need to learn the will of God for your life.)

When we speak the word of God we release power! I pray for the church to return to confessing God’s word of power over everything!!

Be blessed


Make up your mind

Make up your mind

Jesus Prayed

Jesus Prayed