I often marvel at the story of Peter’s denial of Jesus on three occasions. Peter loved our Lord and he was very protective of him. When Jesus was arrested Peter hung around to see what would happen. Yet, when Peter was asked if he was one of Jesus’ disciples – Peter said ‘no’. As passionate as Peter was about Jesus and what Jesus taught – even Peter was afraid to acknowledge their relationship and say he was a disciple of Jesus Christ. We can easily see Peter’s dilemma. He was in between a rock and a hard place.
It is interesting to note Jesus’ prophecy of Peter’s 3rd denial by the time the rooster crowed. A rooster crow is a signal to the flock of chickens that it is safe to move about and find food. While it may have been safe for the chickens -- Jesus and his followers were entering the most dangerous time of their lives when the rooster crowed that day.
Many Christians talk about Peter as if they would never deny Christ. Consider your choices. You have an opportunity to choose Jesus every day. The choice to follow Jesus requires courage. On one hand, the plan of God for your life may seem risky, dangerous, and dicey. On the other hand, the choice to disobey Jesus is anything but safe. Rooster figurines are found in many novelty shops. Whenever I see one I think of Peter and remind myself of the importance of aligning with Christ. It’s not always easy to make the right choice but choosing Jesus is the right choice every time. (John 18:15-27)
Be blessed