I received a word from the Lord:
Satan will turn you right and left, left and right
Have you jumping up and down
Up and down
About the circumstances and situations in your life
Because he wants you to become disoriented in your relationship with God.
The key to being more oriented, more in connection, & to hear a clear word of direction from the Lord is to get by yourself so you can hear. Get by yourself so God can get your attention. Take just a day or two to hear from the Lord. He will speak to you loud and clear when you give him time with a pure heart. God sees you struggling. He knows your intimate desire. Give God time to speak. He will not contend with the noise in your life. Allow God to speak.
(you might wonder, “what noise?” The noise is everything going on in your life to which you give your attention. The noise includes your thoughts about each one of those things and how you are going to deal with it.)
Writer’s Comments:
When I heard the part about being turned left & right and right & left, I immediately thought of the game, Pin the Tail on the Donkey. You may remember this was a game played at many birthday parties.
A person would be blindfolded, then turned around a few times before being asked to stick the tail on a picture of a donkey. It was hilarious to see where the tail was placed! While Pin the Tail on the Donkey was fun, this game of life is not fun when we become disoriented.