
“ Be Blessed! “
— Prophet Alfreda
Jesus overcame the world

Jesus overcame the world

John 16

As Jesus was preparing the disciples for his departure he began to address them differently. Jesus knew he was getting ready to leave his physical body in the earth and return to the Spirit realm. The disciples had proven to be faithful to the call of God on their lives and Jesus was compelled to share some things  he had not shared before. While he was sharing his heart with the disciples, -- Jesus wanted to reassure them of compensation for their sacrifices. We know some of the disciples were fishermen. There was at least one politician and one tax collector among them. Whatever they did to make a living prior to becoming a disciple – Jesus wanted to let them know he would continue to provide for them.(v20) If they asked in Jesus name God would give them whatever they asked.(v 23-24) He warned them of the opposition they would face and encouraged them as he let them know he had already overcome the world. (v 33)

As you and I go about our lives we have the same assurance as the original disciples. If we believe in Jesus Christ and continue to serve him – we have no need to fear the world’s tactics. We can rest assured we made the right decision to follow Christ. Don’t go back to your previous lifestyle. Nothing is  there for you! Continue to pursue God. If you left bad influences or bad relationships behind to pursue God – keep moving forward! If you left your job to pursue God(as the disciples did) and you have become disoriented – ask him for direction. God is not limited by natural resources. God will make a way for you. All things are possible if you can believe!

Be blessed

A Word from the Lord

A Word from the Lord

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