I love the account of some faithful men in Mark 2. Today our churches are largely filled with women but in Jesus’ day the church included a lot of men. In this account of the miracles of Jesus . . . a paralyzed man was brought to Jesus by 4 – count them – 4 of his male friends! Sometimes it’s hard to get one good friend but this man had 4 good friends who brought him to Jesus. I am sure Jesus recognized the man was paralyzed but instead of saying something like ‘because of your faith you are healed’; Jesus said “Son your sins are forgiven”.v5
Once again, instead of the people rejoicing – the scribes were upset and wondered ‘who can forgive sin but God?’ Of course Jesus knew their thoughts and he responded by saying, “Why do you wonder about these things? Is it easier to forgive sin or to say rise up and walk?” Jesus could heal and save. To prove his authority Jesus told the man to “. . . stand up, take your mat and go to your home”. Immediately the man took up his mat and walked!! When Jesus spoke he knew the man was healed, both times. When you think about it -- people are often caught up in sin sickness and physical sickness at the same time. The two are connected. Jesus was addressing both sicknesses when he said your sin be forgiven and get up and walk. Jesus wants us to be made whole.
I sit in awe at the power of God and his ability to prove himself over and over. While this text is about a physically paralyzed man – many of us are paralyzed by fear of some sort. Which means, we may be moving physically but paralyzed emotionally or spiritually. I pray for all of us to be loosed to live our lives fully every day! In Jesus name
Be blessed