
“ Be Blessed! “
— Prophet Alfreda
Learn to walk by faith & not by sight

Learn to walk by faith & not by sight

Mark 4:30-32

Jesus used a parable of a mustard seed to illustrate the kingdom of God in Mark 4:30-32. Notice, Jesus describes what the kingdom of God is like rather than tell us exactly how it is. The kingdom of God may be compared to a place where the influence or attributes of God are present. The example of the mustard seed allows us to know our faith starts small, as the mustard seed is one of the smallest seeds in nature. Yet the mustard seed produces a plant of tremendous size. Jesus is encouraging the people to attend to/take care of their faith in God. When you attend to your faith -- in time your faith will grow beyond recognition. You will not believe how much you can accomplish in your life if you walk with the Lord every day in faith!

Walking with the Lord involves you and I reading the word, praying the word, and meditating on the word. There is no other way. You cannot expect a plant to grow by merely thinking about putting water on it. Your faith works in the same way. If you only think about reading the word, or think about prayer, or think about meditating on the word – your faith will not grow. It’s when we actively get involved with God’s word that change will become evident. Growth occurs when we increase the time we spend praying, reading, and meditating on the word of God

Today, begin to increase your faith. Allot a specific time to pull away from people and focus on the word of the Lord. You are well able to walk by faith and not by sight. Let’s get to it.

Be blessed!

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