Water is present at the birth of every child. A baby is carried in a water filled sack until the baby is ready to be born and when the mother is near birthing time – her water breaks. Water is required for cleanliness & our daily consumption. We wash our hands in soap & water to eliminate germs and to stay healthy. Water is a required daily beverage to keep our bodies hydrated. Water is a symbol used for baptism into the Christian church which is symbolic of the requirement for God’s presence in our physical and spiritual lives.
Water is necessary for so many things we take for granted. Yet – too much uncontrolled water can be devastating to life as we know it. In Mark 4:35-41 Jesus is on a ship with his disciples in the midst of a storm. As the water began to fill the ship (v38) the disciples became anxious and awakened Jesus from sleep. They asked Jesus if he was going to let them die in the storm. Imagine the fear they must have felt to ask that question. You may have heard the old adage which states, “Water outside the boat is not a problem. It’s when water gets inside the boat – then there’s a problem!” Clearly, the disciples had a problem.
While the disciples were anxious and afraid – Jesus was unbothered. In his authority & power Jesus spoke to the wind and the waves and there was a great calm!(v39) Hallelujah! One might think everyone on the ship would have been relieved as Jesus calmed the storm and saved their lives. Instead, they were once again afraid as they wondered what kind of man could cause the wind and sea to obey. (V41) Like many of us – these people were bent on worrying about something. Instead of rejoicing in the blessing of Jesus and his authority in the earth – they questioned his ability and continued to worry. Do you choose to behave like the disciples did – questioning Jesus and trying to know why he is able to work miracles OR will you believe God for his miraculous power and accept his acts of kindness and desire to protect, save, heal, and deliver you? I choose the latter – I praise the name of Jesus and thank him for his authority in my life!
Glory to God