God forgives
John chapter 8 begins by letting us know Jesus was teaching people early in the morning. When you read “early in the morning” – understand the importance of the work at hand. Teaching the people was a primary goal of Jesus’ ministry. Much teaching was needed.
While Jesus was in the Temple teaching the people how to live better lives – the religious leaders dragged someone before the crowd to make an example of them. Instead of helping a woman who apparently made a mistake . . . the religious leaders wanted to punish this woman. Those leaders seemingly forgot how their own lives were stained with sin.
God is a forgiving God. While someone may be more than ready to point out your faults – move on with your life. As Jesus released this woman who was caught in adultery to go on with her life — he is doing the same thing for you. Continue to move towards your destiny no matter what other people have to say.
Be blessed