Let's get to work
In John 10: 1-25 Jesus is identified as the Good Shepherd, the gate for the sheep, and the Messiah. Jesus was present when the world was created. Jesus was there when God formed the first man and gave him the name Adam. In spite of his high position in the universe, Jesus relinquished his throne and entered into the world as a helpless baby. Think about it . . . Jesus witnessed the birth of all of the people who were alive when he was born into the world. With the humility of the least of them, Jesus did not throw his weight around or receive the attention of the influential men of his day. Because Jesus was the Son of man sent to redeem mankind . . .this Jesus did not press for a title or accolades. Instead, it was impressed upon Jesus to finish the work he came to earth to do.
What a beautiful example for us! Despite our wealth, status in society, or titles we have earned – we too should be about the business of doing what we came to earth to do. I know many of you are wondering what your work involves. Begin with knowing your first priority is to be in relationship with God. Begin with reading your Bible, whispering a prayer, or listening to a Bible teaching broadcast. Whatever you were sent here to do – your work begins in relationship with God.
Think of God as your Spiritual manager. He has an assignment for you. Just as Jesus came to earth to serve other people – you too are called to serve to others. Whatever gift you have can benefit the world if you would use it!
Come on now!! Let’s get to work!!