
“ Be Blessed! “
— Prophet Alfreda
God wants to bless you!

God wants to bless you!

John 11

When Mary and Martha’s brother, Lazarus, died – the whole neighborhood was upset. As Mary went out to meet Jesus, a large group of mourners went with her. Mary was crying and the people with her were crying! When Jesus saw all of them crying – he was filled with compassion and he cried too! (V 33-35) Jesus felt their pain. They did not recognize the Giver of Life in their midst. No one knew their crying would soon turn to joy!

When Jesus led the people to participate in the impending miracle by directing them to remove the stone – Martha responded like most of us. Her first thought was the odor. She was more concerned about personal comfort and what the people would say than she was about obedience to God. (V 39)

Remember Martha when you are facing a difficult situation and you pray for God’s help. Whenever we face trials in life – God’s position never changes. He always wants to help/make the situation better. God wants to bless us in the midst of the difficulties of life. The human part of us finds it challenging to deal with the uncertainty of how God will respond. We never know exactly how God will move on our behalf. Brothers and Sisters, God wants us to rest in his arms – not wrestle. Rest in the assurance of knowing God wants to bless us through every situation we encounter. God is a good God and he wants to bless you and me. His legacy of trustworthiness, blessings, and miracle working power is documented in page after page and situation after situation of our manual for life – the Bible. Our goal, our daily lives, and our legacy should be to trust the Almighty with all of life’s situations.

Be blessed

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