CIUC is an online ministry for God’s children. We have numerous resources in support of home church ministeries, Bible studies, and small churches. We hope to assist you in seeking God’s heart for your everyday life.
Sometimes it does not matter what you do for a living. Sometimes it does not matter how much money you have. There are some things in life that prove all of us to be human – in need of God. For Jairus it was his daughter. Jairus’s daughter was sick and there was nothing he could do to make her well. Jairus recognized his need for God and he decided to contact Jesus. Like many of us – when we meet a situation in life that’s more than we can handle, we begin to call on the name of Jesus! It is still the best solution in the land!
Even after Jairus received word that his daughter was dead -- Jesus told Jairus not to be afraid. (v36) Jesus was telling Jairus – you are with me now. Fear has no place in your life when you are with me and I am with you. Please notice how choicy Jesus was about who he took with him. He only took 3 of the disciples with him to Jairus’ house; Peter, James, & John.(v37) We should also notice verse 40 where Jesus put the crowd of people out of the house. Those left to witness Jesus raising Jairus’ daughter from the dead were Peter, James, John, Jairus, the child’s mother, and Jesus. Only the faithful and those desperate for a miracle were left to witness the miracle of God! Doubters & naysayers were not in the room.
Lessons we can glean from Jesus in this instance are guideposts we need to remember when we meet difficulties in life.
1)Do not be afraid
2)Seek Jesus for help in all of life’s tough situations
3)Surround yourself with a few faithful followers who believe in the miracle working power of God