
“ Be Blessed! “
— Prophet Alfreda
God is Faithful

God is Faithful

Our physical age does not reflect our spiritual age. When I say spiritual age – I am speaking of our relationship to God. Many people live 50, 60, and even 70 years without ever having a personal encounter with God. Life is different after we have an encounter with the Lord. We find in Joshua 14 a young man by the name of Caleb who believed God. When Caleb was 40 years old the Lord promised him some land because Caleb believed the promise of God. There in the 14th chapter – Caleb receives the land God promised.

Even though Caleb waited 45 years to live in the realization of his promise from God – Caleb was still grateful! When God gives you a promise – he will deliver on his word. The only requirement is for us to remain faithful in obedience to God. That is to be faithful to God and believe what he promised.

The promise always requires us to do something. Sometimes it’s a small thing like changing your name. Abraham and Sarah did that. Other times it might be moving like it was for Moses. Your requirement will be something you can do. It will be a challenge, it may be uncomfortable, and it may be long term. Whatever your requirement, the result is always well worth it. Abraham waited 25 years to receive his promise of a son and Moses never entered into the promised land but God allowed him to see it and to know the people he led would enter into the promised land.

When life is hard – think about your promise from God! Whatever he promised – He will surely do! Stay in faith!

To God be the glory for all the marvelous things he has done

Numbers 14

Joshua 14

Deuteronomy 34

Wisdom for Success

Wisdom for Success

The community of faith

The community of faith