
“ Be Blessed! “
— Prophet Alfreda
Wisdom for Success

Wisdom for Success

Think about the times you had good intentions and you still made wrong decisions and kept failing. When our greatest failings in life occur repeatedly – we are not in proper communication with God.

Wisdom lets us know, “When we do all we can . . . apart from God – it is not enough to keep us out of dangerous places.” Only Communion with God as we submit to his guidance causes us to reach the heights of success in life. Many of us have been blessed by God despite our sin. Yet, our best opportunity for long term success is when we live in submission to and in communion with God.

Pull out this checklist whenever you continue to fall into disobedience and the traps of the adversary:

Are you praying daily?

Are you reading your Bible daily?

Are you keeping Godly company?

When you can honestly answer each question affirmatively – your failings will be minimized. As you and I prepare ahead of time – God shows up in the nick of time – just when we need him most. Never give up! Live the best life God is willing to give!!

To God be the glory



God is Faithful

God is Faithful