On this Sunday we recognize the glory of our King Jesus! As he rode into town on a donkey that was never ridden — it’s the same as a brand new car for us today! (Mark 11:2) Jesus, this Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead just a few days ago. This is not the first time, the only time, or the last time he raised someone from the dead but by this time Jesus had become popular and the Sanhedrin wanted to get rid of him.
Interestingly – on the same day Jesus was honored by the masses singing Hosanna – the Jewish leaders wanted to snuff out his life. Think about it – the people acknowledged Jesus as God in the flesh and knew this was cause for celebration. At the same time there was a group of people who did not accept or appreciate the activity of God in their midst. The masses celebrated Jesus by putting their clothes on the road & waving palm tree branches.(Matt 21:8)(John 12:13) Yet, within a week the masses called for his crucifixion.
There were people in Biblical times who did not welcome Jesus & there are many people today who don’t appreciate the presence of God in their midst. This rejection of God is perhaps because God did not show up in ways they expect or maybe because God did not use them. Whatever the case, let us tie our hopes on nothing less than Jesus blood and righteousness. Even though people are often not dependable and may fail us from time to time – our God is everlasting, dependable, and strong. Jesus still reigns supreme! God is still alive! You don’t want to miss a move of God so pray for discernment and for revelation knowledge. To God be the glory for the marvelous things he has done!
Be Blessed