The Promises of God
Psalm 23 is a solace to many people all over the world. The words in this Psalm touch on so many facets of life and encourage each one of us to move from day to day . . . knowing God has already made a way for you to be blessed in every area of your life. Though Psalm 23 only has 6 verses they are powerful.
Let’s look at the first two verses:
1The Lord is my shepherd;
I shall not want.
The Lord our God guides me through life. While he is guiding me – all of my needs are met. When I am at a crossroad or confused about what choice to make – God points me in the right direction for me. He knows beyond a shadow of doubt what is best for me. Whenever I want to make a wrong choice – the Lord our God makes clear the best choice for me.
v. 2 He makes me to lie down in green pastures;
He leads me beside the still waters..
God provides a rich and fertile place for me to live peacefully. Any and everything I want or need is available to me. My part is to serve God. When I am in right relationship with God – I will receive all he has for me.
No matter who or what tries to steal my peace — God covers and protects me in a peaceful place. We know the enemy comes to kill, steal and destroy. (John 10:10) but Jesus came that I might have life and have life more abundantly. God will not allow the enemy to steal my joy or my peace. This covenant is seen throughout the life of Christ with his people. King David was writing from the heart of God. God’s desire is to protect and cover all of us throughout our lives. We lose this protection when we step out on our own – in opposition to God’s plan. Remember to stay connected to God. God can see what we cannot. God knows things we don’t know. God can see our end from the beginning. Follow God’s plan. Do not originate your own plan and end in disaster.
He’s a mighty good God!! Won’t somebody help me praise Him?!!