
“ Be Blessed! “
— Prophet Alfreda
Sibling Rivalry

Sibling Rivalry

Before Joseph’s brothers put him in a pit and sold him into slavery – there was Cain and Abel. The Bible says Cain was wroth with his brother. That was a way of saying Cain was extremely angry with Abel. When you read about Cain and Abel in Genesis 4 – Cain does not have one reason to be angry with Abel. Abel did nothing to Cain. Maybe Cain was angry with himself and Abel was a close target! Clearly, Cain was jealous of God’s response to Abel – so why didn’t he attack God? Surely, he knew he would never win in an altercation with God. So rather than be accountable for his own actions – Cain took it out on his brother Abel.

Sibling rivalry is often unreasonable, illogical, and based on thoughts inside a person’s head. Rarely was anything hurtful done by the sibling who is ostracized, ridiculed, or punished (as was the case with Joseph & Abel). A closer look reveals sibling rivalry is often based on misunderstandings and misplaced blame – showing up as jealousy. If each sibling would be responsible for his/her own actions and stop blaming others for where they fall short – many instances of rivalry would disappear. In the spirit realm – God is looking to see how we treat the people he has placed in our lives. His command is for us to love one another. Certainly, that command includes family. Remember to love one another.

Be blessed

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