Prophetic Voices Announce the Birth of a King
(Luke 2)
Luke’s account of the birth of Jesus includes prophetic voices from beginning to the end. Those voices came from:
the angel
the heavenly hosts
the shepherds/wise men
First, there was the voice of the angel to the shepherds. Shortly thereafter, the heavenly hosts appeared to the shepherds; giving witness to the birth of Christ. The shepherds repeated what they heard from the angels.
When baby Jesus was taken to the Temple, Simeon spoke to Mary and Joseph about their newborn son. He thanked God for allowing him to witness the birth of Christ. Simeon was followed by Anna, who gave witness to the redeeming power Jesus was born to give to the world.
The term ‘prophetic’ has several meanings. A prophetic voice in a Biblical sense speaks by divine inspiration, as each of these prophetic voices spoke. Prophetic also means forth telling or telling the future. In addition, a prophetic voice encourages people to obey the word of God.
Many people like to hear prophecies about their future. Hence, we have fortune telling and all sorts of ways people try to know what to expect in their lives. Even as God sends us a word through his messengers, life must be lived. When the announcement was made of the birth of Jesus, the Christ; believers knew it was a good thing but no one knew the trials Jesus would encounter.
If you have heard a prophecy about your life . . . don’t give up when it seems impossible to come true. Who would have guessed Jesus would be raised from the dead to offer salvation for us all when he was hanging on the cross? When it looked like the ministry of Jesus Christ had come to an end …it was actually the birth of the greatest ministry known to mankind!!