Prayer for our children
Thank you Lord, your word says children are a blessing from the Lord. I thank you Lord, your food for me – which is the Word; is absolute; a perfect diet for my spirit. Since your word says children are a blessing from the Lord, it does not matter who prays this prayer. The word of God still stands. The circumstances of a child’s birth may be an issue between God and the child’s parents. However, after conception; God our God says ‘children are a blessing from the Lord’.
I thank you God that every parent praying this prayer accepts the fact that you love all people.
Today, Father I pray for my child. I pray Lord that you would bless my daughters. Bless my sons. Forgive my judgmental stance toward my children. Bless my children as only you can. I do not know what they are up against in life. I do not know exactly what they are thinking. Yet, I believe you God to be all knowing, all seeing, and all powerful.
Release my child from bondage – whatever bondage or noose the enemy has placed or tried to place around their neck. I pray God for generational curses to be broken in Jesus name. I pray God for the enemy to fall backward in every attempt to sabotage my child’s life and future. I call every one of the vices of life into submission unto the Almighty God. Bless these children individually and collectively in Jesus name. Cause the enemy to be of no effect in their lives.
Show me how to love on these children you have given me. Teach me how to teach my children. Try me and see if I won’t be obedient to your word.
I pledge today, I am not a whore to the enemy. I have not sold out on you God. I honor you, believe and trust you. I believe in you God to make everything I touch blessed. Everywhere I go is blessed by God. This is because of the salvation of the Lord.
I pray over myself and my children. We must come back to you Lord. Not just in word alone but in our deeds. We thank you Lord for covering us and protecting this ministry of parents to their children, every step of the way.
Hallelujah Hallelujah
This is my humble prayer to you Father
In the name of Jesus!