Christian Interdenominational United Church (CIUC)

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Don't be shy

God uses whatever you have to meet your need and fulfill his promise in your life. In John 6:5-12 there were at least 5,000 people present when Jesus decided to miraculously provide a meal for each one of them. One little boy had 2 fish and 5 loaves of bread. God used that little bit of food to perform a miracle. Over 5,000 people were fed AND they even had food left over!

Notice how Jesus involved the disciples when he told them to get the people seated. God often uses other people when He performs a miracle in our lives. No matter what you need . . . ask God for that thing. Remember, God does not require you to perform a miracle.

When we pray – we are using our faith as we believe God to be a miracle worker. Don’t be shy. Ask God for what you really need!

Be blessed

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Don’t be shy