
“ Be Blessed! “
— Prophet Alfreda
John 2:12-19

John 2:12-19

For whatever reason Jesus was not pleased with the business transactions taking place in the sanctuary of the Lord. I have heard it preached that the business men were trading defective animals for sacrifice unto the Lord. Modern day people have often said the church is only a building to be used for service unto the Lord some days and for whatever the need may be at other times. Based on Jesus' reaction to the traders in the Temple -- Jesus must have had different beliefs.

Respect for a place and a person is easily affected by everyday practices. If the church is to be recognized as a holy place where God meets with his people -- business as usual cannot take place in that building.

I remember the phrase, "familiarity breeds contempt". When people know too much about your personal business, past mistakes, and natural proclivities, that person oftentimes does not hold the same level of respect for you as they would if they knew nothing about you personally. In the same way, when people are frequently in the church house carrying on everyday business -- they soon lose reverence for the majesty of God and the reverence required to properly honor our King.

Today, many churches have suspended in-person worship and services are largely held online. Yet, there is still a lesson for us about protection. When we protect our eyes and ears . . . we can protect our hearts. God wants to dwell within each one of us. The way we prepare ourselves for his presence/indwelling is by protecting our hearts. So be selective about what you watch on the TV, internet, and various streaming services. Be careful of what you allow to come before your eyes. Move quickly from inappropriate communication and realize the importance of protecting your heart.

When God wants to communicate with you, when God wants to protect you, and when God wants to share His dream for your life . . . have a place for God to meet with you. There will be no regrets in your future if you provide a place for God to reside.

John 2:12-19


The question, "Where is your faith?"

The question, "Where is your faith?"