
“ Be Blessed! “
— Prophet Alfreda


Some years ago the 13th chapter of I Corinthians was introduced to me as the “Love” chapter. When I noticed there were 13 verses in I Corinthians 13, I began to think of how love leads to balance in your life. Love requires us to move away from selfish behavior. Love is enjoyed in its highest form when we establish a relationship with God and a relationship with people.

I Corinthians 13 expresses the importance of love above any other gift or character trait. Each verse in the Love chapter presents a challenge to our understanding and a challenge for our behavior in various situations.

If anyone says they love you their behavior reveals the truth. Love dictates humility – not pride. Love requires a giving heart – not selfishness. Love is not short term – love endures even when times are hard and all hope seems to be gone.

When we say we love another person we can expect some difficulty along the way. At some point love for another person will be tested. It would not be love if it was never tested. You can check your love thermometer and determine if it is hot or cold towards another person or group of people based on verses 4-7 & 11 of the Love chapter.

To God be the glory!

Choose Love

Choose Love

John 2:12-19

John 2:12-19